Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve Reset

Aug 17, 2019 @ 02:25 PM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Diet Weight Gain Gastric Pouch Reset

There are many options available for surgical weight loss treatment, though the gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) is one of the most straightforward and effective. By permanently reducing the size of the stomach, patients consume fewer calories in a single sitting and experience weight loss as a result.

Many patient who undergo gastric sleeve surgery at our Tijuana, Mexico bariatric center experience excellent results, though some may face issues with weight gain even after successful treatment. This is when a pouch reset may be attempted. Let’s cover the basics of this process and whether or not it’s effective.

Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

It’s not uncommon for people to regain weight after undergoing bariatric surgery. After consistently losing weight for a year, the body adjusts to lower calorie intake, the stomach pouch may stretch just a tad, and patient may put on a few pounds. mInor weight regain is normal, but excessive weight regain may require professional attention. A gastric pouch reset helps avoid the need for professional sleeve revision surgery.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Pouch Reset?

Gastric sleeve pouch resetting is a process in which a patient can shrink the size of their stomach pouch to what it was following their initial gastric sleeve surgery. This helps promote weight loss again, and can avoid the need for a corrective surgery at Tijuana Bariatrics.

The process takes about 10 days. It recreates a patient’s original post-op diet following their gastric sleeve but at an accelerated rate.

The Day-by-Day Gastric Pouch Reset Procedure

Here is a day-by-day breakdown of the gastric pouch reset process. Be sure to eat slowly, savor your food, and drink water between solid food meals:

The Results of Gastric Pouch Reset

Most people who undergo a pouch rest experience a fair amount of weight loss in the 10 days of the process. Their stomach also shrinks a bit to promote lasting weight maintenance and weight loss.

When Is Professional Sleeve Revision Necessary?

If the gastric pouch reset is ineffective and patients cannot manage their weight, it may be time for a full surgical revision of the initial sleeve. By coming back to Tijuana Bariatrics, we can determine if that would be the most ideal option for you and your needs.

Learn More About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

For more information about revision gastric sleeve surgery and your other options for losing weight safely and rapidly, be sure to contact our team of weight loss surgery specialists.