Tijuana Bariatrics

What Is Life Like After Bariatric Surgery?

Aug 27, 2024 @ 10:55 AM — by info
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery

The surgeons at Tijuana Bariatrics offer several surgical techniques to achieve great weight loss results, including gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy), which reduces the stomach size, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), which alters the stomach and small intestines. Bariatric surgery patients can expect to see rapid and consistent weight loss results.

Patients often ask our medical team, “How will my life change after bariatric surgery?” Let’s provide an overview of life after weight loss surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, including the days, weeks, and months after the procedure.

Life in the Days Immediately After Bariatric Surgery

The first several days after bariatric surgery can be challenging for our Tijuana patients. Common side effects during the initial surgical recovery include pain, fatigue, nausea, and weakness.

Fortunately, patients stay at our hospital the first four nights after surgery, so they have medical monitoring and attention available 24/7.

Life in the Weeks After Bariatric Surgery

After patients leave our Tijuana bariatric surgery facility, recovery continues at home. Dietary restrictions are one of the biggest changes our patients experience during the first several weeks of bariatric surgery recovery. Patients can expect to be on a liquid or pureed diet for two to three weeks after their procedure.

As recovery progresses, patients can slowly introduce soft foods.

As the days and weeks progress and patients shed excess body weight as they heal, they can increase physical activity. However, strenuous activities and heavy lifting must still be avoided. Instead, we recommend taking three to four walks a day, gradually adding distance.

Life in the Months After Bariatric Surgery

Within six weeks after bariatric surgery, most patients are eating regular solid foods. Patients should adopt new eating habits to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Weight loss should continue to be consistent in the months after bariatric surgery. Many patients lose between two and five pounds a week for the first several months, with weight loss lowering to one to two pounds a week around six months after surgery.

Most patients reach their ideal weight between 12 and 18 months after bariatric surgery. After the weight loss stops, patients must continue to exercise and make good nutritional choices to ensure the weight stays off.

What to Expect in the Years Ahead

As the years progress and you hit your weight loss body mass goals, the biggest benefits of getting treatment will become apparent. You’ll also be able to take the final steps of your weight loss journey.

Improved General Health

Weight loss surgery procedures can help address all kinds of health problems, including high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, sleep apnea, and joint pain. As you lose weight, stay active, and eat a balanced diet, you’ll notice major improvements in various health markers.

The Need for Body Contouring Surgery

Losing a lot of weight will result in loose skin. This is the nature of massive weight loss. Surgery will be necessary to remove this loose skin after weight loss and improve your overall body contour.

Thankfully, Tijuana Bariatrics offers affordable plastic surgery to help address the long-term needs of our weight loss patients.

Improved Mental Health

As your health improves and you gain a better appreciation for the improvements in your body’s appearance, this will help boost your self-image and self-esteem. Your relationship with food will also change. These are just a few ways bariatric surgery boosts your emotional state and overall psychological well-being.

Contact Tijuana Bariatrics to Start Your Weight Loss Journey

You know what happens after the journey. Take the first step on that path today. To learn more about affordable weight loss surgery just south of the border from San Diego, CA, contact Tijuana Bariatrics today.