Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Bypass Surgery Alternatives

Jun 2, 2019 @ 07:35 PM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Bypass Gastric Sleeve Gastric Banding Duodenal Switch

Many people who hear the phrase “bariatric surgery” tend to think of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Yet there are multiple ways to lose weight through surgery. Our Tijuana, Mexico surgeons offer different bariatric surgery options to achieve safe and rapid weight loss. These procedures help combat the obesity epidemic and improve people’s health, life expectancy, and overall wellness.

Below we would like to discuss why some people may benefit from a surgery other than the gastric bypass. We will then briefly cover the various alternatives available for safe and rapid surgical weight loss.

Why Gastric Bypass May Not Be Right for You

The gastric bypass surgery is a great option for surgical weight loss, but it may not be for everyone. The surgery involves bypass part of the small intestine while shrinking the stomach size in the process. Some patients would prefer a less invasive type of surgery, while others may benefit from a surgery that is more drastic in terms of its weight loss results.

It’s important that multiple weight loss surgeries be available to every patient. This allows out team to tailor each weight loss procedure to the needs and long-term health goals of the patient.

Gastric Banding (LAP-BAND)

Gastric banding is a popular option for surgical weight loss, and far less invasive than a gastric bypass. During a gastric banding procedure, an adjustable silicone band is placed around part of the stomach. This reduces the size of the stomach, limiting calorie consumption per meal.

Gastric Sleeve (Sleeve Gastrectomy)

The gastric sleeve is one of the most popular weight loss surgery options at Tijuana Bariatrics. During a gastric sleeve, the stomach is surgically shrunk down. This greatly limits the amount of food that’s ingested in a single meal. It’s a simple surgery in execution and principle, and yields great weight loss results.

Duodenal Switch

A duodenal switch is a type of bariatric surgery that’s best for people who are morbidly obese or suffer from other kinds of extreme obesity. It is similar to the gastric bypass, but the procedure bypasses more of the small intestines. Several years ago, Time Magazine cited a study that found the duodenal switch was more effective than gastric bypass when treating patients with a BMI in the high 40s and low 50s.

Mini Gastric Bypass

Rather than a full gastric bypass, some patients may benefit from a modified version of the surgery known as the mini gastric bypass. This procedure similarly involves a smaller stomach size and bypassing part of the small intestine, though the procedure is less invasive and takes less time to complete.

Which Alternative Is Right for Me?

With so many surgical options for weight loss, deciding on the right one can be tricky. That’s why it’s important to visit Tijuana Bariatrics for a consultation. We can go over all of these matters in full detail and make sure you undergo the weight loss procedure that’s ideally suited to you and your needs.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

For more information about your options for surgical weight loss and which might be right for you, be sure to contact skilled bariatric surgeons and weight loss specialists.