Tijuana Bariatrics

Four Indications that You Are a Good Candidate for a Facelift

Sep 10, 2018 @ 02:17 PM — by info
Tagged with: Facelift

A facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to rejuvenate your facial appearance by reducing sagging skin, fine lines, and deep creases. Often performed on patients aged 40 and older, a facelift can deliver outstanding results when performed by a reputable surgeon.

At Tijuana Bariatrics, we perform the facelift procedure on qualified candidates at our Tijuana, MX practice. Find out if you are a good candidate for the facelift procedure by scheduling a consultation with our plastic surgeon.

1. You Have Some Signs of Facial Aging, but Good Skin Elasticity

A facelift is intended for patients with noticeable signs of aging on the mid and lower face and the neck, including:

Facelift patients may experience some or all of the above signs of aging. However, to be a g food candidate for a facelift, your skin should also still have some elasticity.

This quality is needed since the skin will be stretched and repositioned over the underlying facial structure. The more flexibility and suppleness your skin has, the better your overall results will be.

2. You Are in Good Overall Health

A facelift is a surgical procedure. It involves the use of general anesthesia, the creation of incisions along the hairline, and manipulation of the skin and other tissues. As such, patients need to be in good enough overall health to undergo facelift surgery.

Patients with systemic health problems, like heart disease or certain autoimmune diseases, may not be eligible for this elective surgery since it puts them at greater risk of complications.

3. You Have Realistic Expectations about Your Results

A facelift can provide you with a refreshed look that minimizes the signs of aging. The procedure can rejuvenate and enhance your natural appearance, but it is not intended to dramatically alter your features.

Aside from being realistic about what the procedure can accomplish, patients should understand that cosmetic surgery has its limitations. It won’t change your life, but it can boost your self-image by better aligning positive feelings you have about yourself with how you look.

4. You Are 40 to 70 Years Old

Age is not necessarily a factor in determining your candidacy. Other factors, such as those listed above, will determine whether this procedure is suitable for you. That said, most facelift patients are between the ages of 40 and 70 years old.

The reason for this age range is that younger patients may not have experienced enough facial aging to need plastic surgery. People in their 20s and 30s can usually combat the signs of aging with less invasive modalities like dermal fillers.

Older patients, such as those in their 80s, may not be in good enough overall health or have skin that is not supple enough to provide quality results.

Of course, some patients will be younger than 40 years old. There are also patients over age 70 who have enjoyed a refreshed look thanks to a facelift.

Find Out if You Are a Facelift Candidate

Leave a message for the team at Tijuana Bariatrics to learn more about your facelift candidacy. You can also call us toll free at (877) 233-9292.