Tijuana Bariatrics

LAP-BAND® Revision Surgery: What to Expect

Aug 26, 2017 @ 11:45 AM — by info
Tagged with: Lap Band Gastric Banding

Also known as gastric banding, LAP-BAND® surgery is a restrictive form of bariatric surgery, meaning that it limits the amount of calories that can be consumed in a single sitting. A small silicone band is placed around part of the stomach in order to reduce its size. This helps cut calorie consumption, reduce appetite, and facilitate dramatic weight loss in people who are obese or morbidly obese.

The team at Tijuana Bariatrics has helped many patients lose weight with the LAP-BAND® technique, though sometimes a revision of the procedure is required. Let's consider what this means, why it's done, and how it is done.

What Is LAP-BAND® Revision?

LAP-BAND® revision refers to a corrective/secondary surgery. In essence, LAP-BAND® revision is done when the initial surgery does not achieve the desired results. That may be due to weight loss issues or complications related to the initial LAP-BAND® procedure.

Reasons for a LAP-BAND® Revision

Common reasons why LAP-BAND® revision may bee performed include the following:

Options for LAP-BAND® Revision Surgery

There are different ways to revise an initial LAP-BAND® surgery. Some options include the following:

Tailoring Bariatric Revision to Your Needs

In order to best serve patients, it's important to visit our practice for a consultation. We can go over your reasons for LAP-BAND® revision, your options for achieving wellness, and cover all the risks and benefits you need to consider. We want to answer questions and put your concerns at ease so you can make the right decisions regarding your health.

Contact Tijuana Bariatrics

To learn more about LAP-BAND® and your many other options for bariatric surgery, we encourage you to contact our team of weight loss surgery experts today. The team at Tijuana Bariatrics will answer all of your questions and address your concerns in much greater detail.