Tijuana Bariatrics

Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS): Who Is a Candidate?

Dec 17, 2016 @ 02:00 PM — by info
Tagged with: Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastric Sleeve

The team at Tijuana Bariatrics is pleased to offer patients Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS) surgery. This weight loss surgery procedure allows patients to experience the benefits of bariatric surgery without any visible scarring whatsoever.

SILS is sure to grow in popularity in the coming years, though not everyone out there suffering from obesity is a candidate. Let's take a moment to go over basic candidacy for SILS.

What Is Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS)?

SILS is a variation on the gastric sleeve procedure (aka sleeve gastrectomy). The procedure involves reducing the size of the stomach in order to reduce the amount of calories a person can consumer in a single sitting. This helps facilitate weight loss.

Unlike the traditional gastric sleeve, there is just one incision made and it is located in the belly button. Working through this single incision, a bariatric surgeon can eliminate the need for multiple incisions and visible scarring. In rare instances, a second incision may need to be made away from the belly button, though it is small and difficult to notice.

General Candidacy for Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS)

Good candidates for SILS are people who are obese and suffer from health problems that are related to obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. They should have attempted to lose weight through natural means in the last year or so but have experienced limited success. Patients need to be in good enough health to undergo a weight loss procedure without suffering an adverse health condition.

BMI Helps Determine Eligibility for SILS

A major factor in determining candidacy for SILS is the patient's BMI. Generally, patients should have a BMI that is lower than 40 to qualify for SILS. When patients have a higher BMI than 40, the added mass and other health concerns will mean a single incision is not sufficient to perform all the necessary surgical revisions to the stomach. Thankfully modern weight loss surgery involves small incisions rather than large incisions and open surgery.

Multiple Prior Abdominal Surgeries May Be a Concern

In addition to BMI, a patient who has undergone multiple abdominal surgeries in the past may not be a good candidate for SILS. If you have had two or more abdominal procedures performed in the past, another bariatric surgery may be a better option. This is a precautionary measure to avoid potential complication during your surgery and the recovery process.

Realistic Expectations About Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS)

It's important that patients who undergo SILS have realistic expectations about the surgery and what it entails. Bariatric procedures will involve major changes to your lifestyle, and patients need to be aware that they'll have to eat right, exercise regularly, and work to help promote lasting weight loss.

Is Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve (SILS) Right for Me?

The best way to find out SILS is the right surgery for you is to come in for a consultation. We can assess your situation and offer an honest opinion about your ideal options for weight loss surgery.

Contact the Team at Tijuana Bariatrics

For more information about the various bariatric surgery procedures available and how they can help you, be sure to contact our team of weight loss surgery specialists today. The team at Tijuana Bariatrics looks forward to your visit and helping you improve your overall health and wellness.