Tijuana Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve Eating Schedule: Adjusting Your Diet

Dec 24, 2014 @ 02:36 PM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Diet

Our doctors have helped many patients begin a new and healthier life at our Tijuana bariatric surgery center. Many of our patients undergo gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy), an effective and low-maintenance weight loss option.

All bariatric surgeries involve lifestyle changes for success, and part of the change is patients creating an eating schedule for themselves. Each patient is different, but the information below will help you develop your own eating schedule that's defined by your body's needs after weight loss surgery.

Shifting from Liquid to Solid Foods

The first month to month-and-a-half after your gastric sleeve surgery will be spent making a transition from an all-liquid diet to the integration of solid foods. The idea here is to understand your new appetite and to really get patients to slow down and make the gradual change in their lifestyle.

We wrote about changes in your diet after gastric sleeve surgery previously on this blog, so we encourage you to read that piece for more information.

Smaller and More Frequent Meals

One of the things that you will notice after the first six weeks is you will be eating smaller yet more frequent meals. This is common as your body adjusts to the surgery. Patients should not be alarmed by this change as it's part of what makes bariatric surgery procedures successful at promoting weight loss.

Eat Slowly to Get In Touch with Your Body's Needs

As you're adjusting to your new diet and working out an eating schedule that works for you, always be sure to eat your food slowly and to really savor your food. This will help you get in touch with how much food your body needs in one sitting. Eating slowly is particularly helpful since it prevents overeating and discomfort during digestion.

Pay Attention to When You're Hungry

Maybe the best way to develop your own eating schedule is to pay attention to when you're hungry throughout the day. If you notice you're hungrier at certain times, sometimes a more robust meal or certain kinds of foods at a previous meal may be better.

In some ways, you're not just creating a regular schedule for your post-gastric sleeve diet, but you're also determining what kinds of foods are best for you and your needs as the day progresses.

Just Say "No" to Late Night Snacking

Snacking through the day will happen, and that's fine so long as the snacks are healthy ones. Snacking late at night, however, should be avoided. Eating late can throw off your hunger in the morning, which can then alter your eating schedule for the rest of the day. Even if you're feeling like food late at night, consider waiting until morning to eat again so you can maintain your eating schedule as best as possible.

Consult with Your Surgeon or Physician for Special Concerns

If you have any problems with your diet or any matters of concern when it comes to certain foods, don't hesitate to contact your bariatric surgeon or your physician for more guidance about these matters. Getting professional guidance and advice is very helpful as you're getting used to life after bariatric surgery.

Contact Our Weight Loss Surgery Practice

For additional information on dietary considerations after bariatric surgery, be sure to contact our weight loss surgery center today.