Tijuana Bariatrics

Sleeve Gastrectomy and Dumping Syndrome

Jun 16, 2014 @ 08:27 AM — by info
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Dumping Syndrome Gastric Bypass

One of the reasons why gastric sleeve surgery is so popular and why we believe in it so much is its general lack of complexity. There is no rerouting of the digestive tract or use of bands that may need adjustment. Instead, the stomach size is reduced and that's that. Our team has helped countless patients achieve excellent health using the gastric sleeve at our Tijuana practice.

While gastric sleeve surgery is generally simple and free from major complications, there are adjustments that need to be made as a patient adjusts to his or her new lifestyle. With other bariatric procedures, one of these adjustments is dumping syndrome, which we would like to look at right now.

About Dumping Syndrome

Also known as rapid gastric emptying, dumping syndrome refers to cases in which the undigested food in the stomach winds up in the small intestine too fast. The condition can be quite uncomfortable. In most cases, dumping syndrome is an inconvenience but never an urgent medical emergency.

Symptoms of Dumping Syndrome

The most common immediate symptoms of dumping syndrome include:

Some symptoms of dumping syndrome may manifest themselves an hour or more after eating. This is the result of low blood sugar as your body releases insulin as a response to the sudden dumping of sugar into the small intestine. These symptoms include:

Dumping Syndrome is More Common After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric sleeve patients will be relieved to hear that dumping syndrome is not as common with gastric sleeve surgery. It's actually an issue that is more closely associated with gastric bypass surgery, which makes sense given how the digestive tract is altered in such a way that part of the small intestine is skipped.

Dumping Syndrome Is Still Possible After Gastric Sleeve But Rarer

It should be noted that dumping syndrome can still happen in gastric sleeve patients, but it is much rarer. The condition tends to be triggered when gastric sleeve patients have foods that are fatty, sugary, or generally rich. With regard to sweet foods, dumping syndrome can be triggered by table sugar as well as the natural sugar that appears in fruit.

Tips for Avoiding Problems After Gastric Sleeve

The best way to avoid dumping syndrome and its unpleasant after effects is to be attentive about what you are eating. Certain foods are more likely to trigger dumping syndrome in patients than others, so it's important that you keep those particular foods in mind and avoid them as needed.

It's also important that you savor your food and eat slowly. By making sure your food is well chewed, you help prevent major issues with dumping syndrome and other problems that are unique to those who have undergone bariatric surgery.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

For more information about gastric sleeve surgery and your many other options out there for achieving a more ideal weight, we encourage you to contact our bariatric surgery and weight loss center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best results with whatever surgery that you undergo.